New Faces!

More than a week ago I picked up two new members to my little herd. A Blue Steel Dutch buck named Roran Stronghammer, and a pedigreed Black Dutch doe named Nasuada. Nasuada isn’t  quite ready to breed yet, she was only born in July. I’m actually not sure on how old Roran Stronghammer is, I’m guessing it’s around 2-3 years, maybe 4. He is looking a little scruffy at the moment because he’s shedding. The reason I got him was because he is a Blue Steel, Blue Steel is not a recognized color with the ARBA (American Rabbit Breeders Assosication), and I am very supportive of the unrecognized varieties of Dutch rabbits.

This is Roran Stronghammer
This is Roran Stronghammer.

Yesterday I was about to give Roran his feed and he was so excited he jumped OUT of his cage and onto the ground (about 3 feet below). I was so scared because he started trying to crawl underneath our little barnette (it’s a miniature barn). Thankfully we had fenced it in so the chickens couldn’t get out. I scooped him up quickly and put him back in his cage. Whew! I don’t know what would’ve happened if he’d gotten under there.

This is my brave little Nasuada
This is my brave little Nasuada.

Later that same day I was walking our little Dachshund Trigger around and he ran to where I had put Nasuada’s cage underneath a tree. He started sniffing at her and when he tried to lick her face she hissed at him and attempted to claw his nose through the wire. I was very impressed, needless to say, that a very small rabbit tried to attack a dog that was more than 3 times her size.